Picture this: tables are perfectly set, food is ready to go, yet your staff stands around with nothing to do. Sound familiar? It’s the dreaded off-peak hours. It’s time to get creative. (After all, those tables won’t fill themselves.)
Hosting events is your golden ticket to unlocking fresh opportunities and drawing in more guests when it’s needed.
Who says planning events needs to be a hassle? It’s about boosting revenue and expanding your guest base. Whether it’s themed dinners, live music, or new menu launches, this is an opportunity to draw in new guests.
Plus, events are powerful marketing tools, creating social media buzz and elevating your restaurant’s presence—not to mention a way of enhancing the guest experience!
With this pitch in mind, let’s get to it, with some key insights for restaurant event planning.
This is the fun part.
Gather your restaurant crew and brainstorm event concepts that sync with your restaurant’s vibe and target audience.
Think themes, special menus, entertainment options and any unique offerings that’ll make your event pop!
Top tip: Why not consider collaborating with your local wine supplier? Run a themed night based on a specific wine region or offer a wine menu of three special glasses for a set price.
You could even step this up by targeting specific quiet hours, e.g., from 16:00 to 18:00, during which you could showcase, let’s say… natural wines from Sicily—the perfect after-work refreshment.
(With post-work drinks comes a need for food!)
Once you’ve got your concept locked in, It’s time to dive into the event logistics.
Set a budget, nail down the date and time, and map out the resources and staffing needs.
If your event involves a special menu, take the time to create dishes that will get your guests excited and start a buzz—by plugging them on social media!
(People love a good food pic on Instagram)
Use social media, email marketing, and promote the event on your website.
Make sure to create eye-catching promo material that’ll grab attention and drive ticket sales.
Take a look at the promo for our mock-up restaurant Dinnerlicious. (And that took only 5 minutes!)
Simplify the ticketing process for guests by teaming up with a platform like DinnerBooking.
Streamline ticket sales, manage your events with ease, and reach thousands of potential attendees via an extensive guest platform.
We see many restaurants that are part of DinnerBooking doing it this way.
Everything is in place to make less work for you, with the bonus of specialist guidance to make your event the best it can be!
With all the framework already in place, take the opportunity to participate in let’s say… A food festival!
In Denmark, during weeks 7 & 41 we are proud to host our own gourmet food festival called DinnerDays.
Collaborating with 75+ restaurants, we feed over 25000 hungry guests with specially curated menus – now there’s an event worth being part of.
With specialist guidance from our Marketing team, we help you fill those empty tables with an experience that attracts guests to those quieter dining hours.
‘We go all in on marketing the participating restaurants, ensuring they invite new guests by sharing their own individual stories on our many channels,’
tells Sofja Sivertsev, Head of B2C Marketing
Why not ease those event planning stresses for at least two weeks in the year?
But fear not – event planning is the solution your restaurant has been searching for.
From themed dinners to exciting collaborations, these events aren’t just about filling tables—they’re about creating memorable experiences and attracting new diners.
So, let’s transform those quiet hours into lively gatherings and watch as your restaurant becomes the talk of the town.
It’s time to turn the tide and make every hour prime time for dining.